Saturday, May 23, 2020
What Is a Nonoxidizing Acid
A nonoxidizing acid is an acid that cannot act as an oxidizing agent. While many acids are good oxidizers, they dont all technically oxidize in any given reaction. Nonoxidizing Acid Examples Hydrochloric acid, hydroiodic acid, hydrobromic acid, hydrofluoric acid, phosphoric acid are all nonoxidizing acids. Example Use The element beryllium dissolves in a nonoxidizing acid, such as hydrochloric or dilute sulfuric acid, but not in water or nitric acid.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Women s Fight For Combat Roles - 1267 Words
Joan of Arc: A women in Combat A great leader knows how and what to do in any given situation. Great leaders know how to adapt, and find a way to conquer a specific task or obstacle. There has been an ongoing debate about whether women should have access to combat roles. Many argue that women are not physically build to match the strength of a man. A young lady by the name of â€Å"Joan of Arc†or commonly known as â€Å"The Maid of Orleans†was a young leader of the 15th century who changed the course of the hundred years war. Joan became an unlikely heroine leader who led a revolt against the British which ultimately ended in a victory. Joan embodies the definition of what a women in the military should be. She debunks the 21st century modern critics that say women do not fit the standards to survive and thrive in combat roles. The objective of this paper is to identify key arguments that are in favor of women fighting in combat. Gender equality among women has been a longstanding battle. Many ar e for gender neutral roles in the military, and many are against it. The people that are against it believe that â€Å"women will endanger their units†. While the â€Å"Army and the Navy believes that it will enlarge the talent pool, and that opening combat roles to women will enhance the readiness of the military. â€Å" In our view, the best qualified solider, regardless of gender, should be allowed to serve in any position,†according to a joint statement to the committee by acting Army SecretaryShow MoreRelatedWomen s Rights Of Women1270 Words  | 6 PagesIn having two uncles who served in the Marines and a nephew who is now in the Marines, they talk about how women will act under pressure in combat. They still don’t think that women are capable. Assuming that their reasons are the same as everyone else in the military; their reason is that women physical strength is too weak to carry their male counterpart out of danger and their mental capacity to handle how gruesome war really is, as well as the woman hygiene and the hypothesis â€Å"what if the femaleRead MoreWomen s Roles During The American Armed Forces1409 Words  | 6 PagesCombat roles are grueling and nerve breaking, with a lot of commitment and endurance required. Masculinity is the most suited trait for any one to fit adequately and perform effectively. Mostly, men fit well in these roles due to their masculinity. However, women too, can perform as equally as effective as men. The effectiveness and suitability of inclusion of women in major combat roles in the American Armed forces has faced heated debates, between people who believe that the combat roles are mostRead MoreWhy Women Should Fight The Front Line1321 Words  | 6 PagesI Believe Women Should Be On The Front Line I believe women should fight side by side with men. I believe women are equal to men, there s only a physical difference but we are all the same. Women can do everything a man can. If women fight in the front line i think there would be less casualties than there right now. Although women should be fighting in front line in the military many believe they should not. More than 200,000 position will still be remain exclusive to men. women won t beRead MoreGender Roles Of Women s Roles971 Words  | 4 PagesTransforming Gender. Women’s Roles in Society. Why are men always in power? Or is that we just assume that they have power? In recent years, the roles of women have changed greatly in American society.  For example, women have earned more power in education, the workplace and especially the military (Cordes). Yet, when it comes to women being fully integrated in the military, many males still question female competency. This situation needs to be addressed because women are physically, emotionallyRead MoreWomen During The American Society Essay1309 Words  | 6 Pagesgender roles. These gender roles could determine how someone should act or think. Even though people have become accustomed to their specific role in life, others argue that a person can assume any role they would like to. Women in the American society argue that they could do anything that a man can do. However, some people think that there are certain aspects that make a woman a woman or a man a man. Women in combat is a controversial topic in the United States. Many people think that women shouldRead MoreWomen During The Revolutionary War1369 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Women have served the military in one fashion or another since the Revolutionary War, in recent years the status of women serving in the military has changed dramatically. Traditionally women have always served in administrative or medical roles. With the advancement of views and the sheer determination of many women, we are seeing women serving in combat and fighting alongside their male counterparts. Training schools such as the Army Ranger school, Marine Infantry training, and pilotRead MoreThe First Female Soldier At The Men1704 Words  | 7 PagesAmerica introduced the first female soldier to serve in an American military unit. Women have played a vital and important role since then when it comes to the military. During the World Wars, the importance of female soldiers was ever so important. While the men were at war, they filled in numerous jobs that were left vacant by the men overseas fighting to help keep the economy and America running smooth. Although women have proven their worth to the United States Military, there still is a place thatRead MoreWomen Should Not Go Into Combat1404 Words  | 6 Pages This debate on whether women should be in military combat roles or not, has no in-between, one either believes women should go into combat or one believes women should not go into combat. The two extremes sides of this argument offer numerous reasoning as to why they stand with their beliefs but the reasons which make a valid argument are as follows. For the positive side which believes women should go into combat, say that this decision should be dependent on a person’s skills and abilities toRead MoreShould Women Be Allowed During Combat Roles During The Armed Forces?1326 Words  | 6 PagesIn a recent poll posted on titled Should Women Be Allowed To Serve In Combat Roles In The Armed Forces? 71% of voters said yes while the other 29% said no. For this dispute majority rules is irrelevant, in fact minority rules and the 29% can tally up another vote and argue that no, women should not be allowed to serve in combat roles in the armed forces. Although there have been cases where women find themselves in a surprise firefight and are expected to pick up the weapon toRead MoreFeminism And Equality Between Men And Women956 Words  | 4 PagesFeminism and Equality Between Men and Women Feminism, the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men (Webster’s Thesaurus Dictionary). Feminist seek to find impartiality between the genders, in not only the work force, but many different aspects of their lives. Feminist are spectated to be individuals who believe in female domination, and that is not precise. Feminist believe that women and men should be treated equal to each other, neither sex
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Letter To My Children Free Essays
As I lay awake in bed with Carol by my side, sharing my insomnia, it occurred to me, totally out of the blue, that Neo had opened up for me a new world of understanding, which is to say that my conversation with him had led me to the realization that there was a way out of my conflicts here and now. I was being selfish aforetime: it occurred to me. Although I could not go to the Vatican all the way from America in order to express my new understanding of Christianity – rather than to pose questions that the authorities on religion there were not expected to appreciate – I could express myself before my children, as though nakedly. We will write a custom essay sample on Letter To My Children or any similar topic only for you Order Now But what would I teach them? I certainly did not wish to confuse them by sharing my conflicts.  Neither did I desire for them to catch on my negative emotions surrounding the wonderful truths I was learning my entire life. One such negative emotion was my slight fear of various authorities on religion because I could not get over my miserable misunderstandings with them. I understood that the authorities on religion are meant to be peacemakers, and yet I could not see eye to eye with them on many issues of peace, which, in my awareness, is often a result of increased knowledge and new understanding of faith. These misunderstandings, I knew, were tormenting me alone, while they slept soundly night after night. I recalled then the words of Jesus, virtually unaware at the time that Carol had started to sing in bed a song from the film, Evita: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.  Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled (Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 5, Verses 3-6). Did I have to share myself with the various authorities on religion in order to find peace? I did not believe so. All the same, my torment was asking me to somehow stand in front of the whole wide world and declare myself to be a true seeker of truth. Then, and only then, I thought, would I find peace.  However, it was impossible for me to stand on the stage before the entire Christian world and declare myself to be true.  As soon as I realized that my mind was straying away from my children, I said â€Å"Yes.† Carol asked me right away, â€Å"What?† â€Å"Oh, nothing,†I said. â€Å"I am enjoying your song!† Carol continued singing from that point on. I got back to my reflections through insomnia. I thought that I knew that I could die very soon, and I did not have the kind of oneness Jesus experienced with God Almighty to know when. I could express my understanding to my children – yes I could do that, I thought again – and my children in turn would develop their own understanding of religion based on my teachings and their own experiences in life. As I lay in bed reflecting on the new questions that had perhaps occurred to me through supernatural inspiration, it did not take me long to figure out what exactly I would be teaching my children and how. I would write a letter to them, directing Carol to deliver it to them only when they have all reached maturity at the same time. I would not want one child wanting to know more than the others at any given time. I would like them to grow in spirituality altogether. I did not want them to have to go through the experience of single handedly dealing with the problems of realizing the truth as I did. I did not want them to feel as alone in the world as I felt. But perhaps I would eventually leave the letter in Carol’s hand to decide when to give it to each of my kids, I thought. I was â€Å"hungering and thirsting after righteousness.† I knew that expressing my understanding of the religion to my children would grant me a sense of completion from the Almighty – somehow. I did not know how He worked on such completions. By the time I had reached this point in my train of thoughts, I realized that Carol had gone to sleep. Her singing was over and done with; she was snoring, in fact. I suddenly realized a sense of greater freedom in my thoughts. Increased confidence was aroused to boot. Although I knew that Jesus had said, â€Å"Blessed are they that have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven†(Matthew, Chapter 5, Verse 10), I neither had the strength nor the courage to stand before the world and discuss my concept of religion. I should have had the courage, I thought, but sadly, I did not. I then realized that perhaps this kind of courage is unnecessary, given that Jesus had also said: â€Å"Agree with thine adversary quickly, lest haply the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison†(Matthew, Chapter 5, Verse 25). Was Jesus right there with me to teach me something of the essence? How was it that verses from the Gospel of Matthew were appearing in my self without notice, and perhaps out of context? I got out of bed then, with the awareness that I had the courage to teach my understanding of Christianity to my children, even if I could not teach the whole world. Yet I did not want to express my entire self to my children. I only believed that they had a right to know the basics that I was working with. I believed in their right to question religious practices of the world. I also trusted that they would eventually find the truth using the tools I would provide them with. I turned on the lamp on my desk. Carol moved a little in bed, responding to the click of the lamp. Fortunately, she did not get up to ask what I was up to. I did not want to bother her at all, and so I sat down to write, as though in a whisper: â€Å"Dear children,  By this time you must be old enough to feel the need to know God. You will be exposed to many practices in the Church†¦.† I gave up writing at this point, tore the page in half, and took a fresh sheet of paper to begin again. â€Å"Dear Children, For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven. â€Å"’Ye have heard that it was said to them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: â€Å"’But I say unto you, that every one who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council; and whoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of the hell of fire. â€Å"’If therefore thou art offering thy gift at the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee, â€Å"’Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way, first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift’†(Matthew, Chapter 5, Verses 20-24). I comprehended what I was doing. Comparing the Pharisees and the scribes to the majority of religious authorities in the world, I was directing my children to go to the scriptures whenever they require guidance from the divine authority. I did not have another way of teaching them the truth. I wanted to say that they must never go to any religious authorities except the scriptures in the process of seeking truth; and that they must be good to each other, no matter what. I had written the words of Jesus in my memory with great enthusiasm. And I did not doubt that my children could – given the right direction – show equal respect to the word of righteousness. Yet I doubted whether I should tell them everything about the Church as it existed in the world today. I gave a moment of attention to Carol at this point. She was snoring, fast asleep, and looking lovely. I thought with tenderness that her children were mine, and I had a right to teach them whatever I felt I must. I did not have to mention the Church and the circumstances surrounding my role in it that very day. It was not important, given that the circumstances surrounding the Church were expected by me to change, perhaps drastically, in the years of my offspring’s maturity. I went back to my letter. Without explaining myself in it, besides the purpose of my letter, I felt that I had to write something else I remembered from the Gospel of Matthew: â€Å"’At that season Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes: â€Å"’Yea, Father, for so it was well-pleasing in thy sight’ (Chapter 11, Verses 25-26). Confident in my writing, I continued: â€Å"My dear children, after reading the above scriptures you must be thinking that perhaps I felt in my years in Church that these are some of the most perfect verses in the Gospels. As a matter of fact, I did not think so. And the only reason I am writing you today is that I want you to learn how to trust yourselves in seeking the truth. The scriptures are the best guidance I can offer you now. Hold on to them, learn from them, and do not mind questioning the practices of others when you do not believe them to be correct. This is, in my opinion, the best attitude to take into maturity. Let us leave the rest in God’s hand. â€Å"Your loving father on earth.†How to cite Letter To My Children, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Receivable Management free essay sample
The company will come to know about the existing flaws in the system. The recommendations would help the company to overcome the same. It will also help the company to know which portal is generating more revenue, which position and many other things which generate grab major part of the revenue. [pic] Management Of Accounts Receivable Management of receivables is a process under which decisions to maximize returns on the investment blocked in them are taken. Thus, the main objective of management receivable is to maximize the returns on investment in receivables to minimize risk of bad debts etc. Because investment in receivables affects liquidity and profitability, it is, therefore, significant to maintain proper level of receivables. Accounts receivable represent sales that have not yet been collected as cash. It explains that merchandise or services in exchange for a customers promise to pay at a certain time in the future. We will write a custom essay sample on Receivable Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Accounts receivables of a firm are created on both the side of the productive system. On one side of this system, the firm may make advance payments to the suppliers of the raw material to ensure timely supply, when the supplier holds the monopolistic position. On the other side of the productive system, accounts receivable are created by a firm when it sells its output on credit. These are termed as sundry debtors. Sundry Debtors constitute nearly 60% of the Accounts Receivables. Four Aspects Of Management Of Sundry Debtors: 1. Credit Policy needs to be determined. This involves a trade off between the profit on additional sales that arise due to credit being extended on the one hand and the cost of carrying those debtors and the bad debts losses on the other hand.
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